Author: Marie

Executor Timeline

Your loved one has died and you are responsible for settling the deceased’s estate. There is nothing easy about that. You are responsible for making sure that your loved ones affairs are handled appropriately...

Review of: Family Fortunes

Family fortunes:  How to Build Family Wealth and Hold on to It for 100 Years by Bill and Will Bonner copyright 2012, published by John Wiley and Sons Inc, Hoboken, New Jersey   Summary:...

Avoiding the High Cost of Senior Divorces

Many things change as we mature, including our relationships. You and your spouse may have shared years together, raising family, building your nest egg, and sharing experiences – some good, some bad.  You have...

Becoming a Family of Wealth

Carnegie, Rockefeller, Astor, Vanderbilt and Rothschild are all names of families with wealth – wealth held across many generations. Just hearing the names causes pictures of polished silver, wood paneling and yachts to form...

Single Minded Pursuit of Wealth

What is the difference between focusing on wealth creation and pursuing it single mindedly?  Is it the difference between having a life and missing out?  Is it the difference between success and failure?

Andy Williams – Moon River and Me

Ronald Reagan once proclaimed Andy Williams’ voice a “national treasure”. His career was in full bloom when I was reaching my late teens and early twenties. One of my best friends and I used...

Hiring Domestic Help

One of the benefits of having wealth is the ability to trade money for time. Multimillionaires and billionaires often hire household help – whether it be just an occasional cleaning or lawn service or...