Author: Marie

How Expectations Influence Your Money Mind

Apologies in advance to my male readers, you may find this post uncomfortable. Both sexes have societal, familial and peer expectations inflicted on us from birth. Humans are kid of hard wired by eons...

What Are Non Traditional Mutual Funds?

The latest issue of the Merrill Lynch ‘Advisor’ magazine (which I receive as a Merrill Wealth Management client) says: “If you’ve been curious about hedge funds but felt they weren’t quite right for you,...

Opportunity Cost

At what price do you do the things you do? Could you be engaged in something that is better paying, more fulfilling, or more rewarding?  What is your opportunity cost?

What are Personal Finance Standards?

Most of us in my generation weren’t exposed to personal finance classes in school. Parents were expected to handle that part of our education, just as they had to handle the sex education. It’s...

The Downside of Wealth

You think “If I just had more money, everything would be OK”. Past a certain point, however, more money can be more trouble than fun. Being wealthy is not for the feint of heart....

Keeping the Extended Family Connected

How is it that some families manage to hang together – for several generations – when others fly apart as soon as the kids are grown? Is there a special ingredient, some magic that...

Family Culture Factors Affecting Long Term Wealth

Family culture encompasses your family’s history, traditions, values, views, habits, goals, communication methods, and experiences. Your culture can affect whether or not future generations will have access to the wealth you are now building...