Category: having it

Andy Williams – Moon River and Me

Ronald Reagan once proclaimed Andy Williams’ voice a “national treasure”. His career was in full bloom when I was reaching my late teens and early twenties. One of my best friends and I used...

Hiring Domestic Help

One of the benefits of having wealth is the ability to trade money for time. Multimillionaires and billionaires often hire household help – whether it be just an occasional cleaning or lawn service or...

Alone and Loving It!

One of my fears when I joined my husband in retirement is that we would be together way too much. Don’t get me wrong, togetherness in a married couple is a good thing, but...

Best of the Past

Hello all, I’m on a week of self discovery this week and so am going to avoid writing one post and instead, give you a tour of the best of the past years posts...

Clutter, Clutter Everywhere

The average house size in the 1950’s (according to The Swelling McMansion Backlash on was 983 square feet. I lived in one of those with my brother and parents. It had 784 square feet. We...

How to Teach Your Child About Credit

In Prepare Your Child to Leave the Nest , we talked about the need to teach your kids the mechanics and values related to money. As we noted, it is a process, not an event. Over...

Banking Perks for the Affluent

Maybe you aren’t a mega millionaire but you have a nice nest egg put aside, maybe as much as a quarter of a million or more – or perhaps as ‘little’ as $100K. If...

The Family Office – An Insider’s View

Have you ever wondered what a family office is really like? Jonathan Galt, financial analyst for a multifamily office as well as the owner and main blogger at Save shared his insights with me...