Author: Marie

Why Talk to Family About Money?

Last week I was interviewed by The Canadian Press for a newswire article on several sites. The topic was, Why talk to family about money? In preparation for the interview, I wrote down my...

Samantha Squirrel Learns Persistence

Readers, here is another Financial Fable to read to your kids. Samantha was a gray tree squirrel, born in March high in the tree top nest her Mama and Papa had built. She lived...

Keeping Wealth in the Family

Our nation has a mixed view on the morality of keeping wealth in the family. Most of us want our children and grandchildren to have a better life than we do, yet many Americans...

The Myth of the Trust Fund Baby

The recession through which the world recently suffered has raised many questions on whether the rich deserve to be richer by far than the rest of the population. A new study (from ,...