Author: Marie

A Grand Slam of an Alternative Investment

Ever dream of owning a major league baseball team? Alternative investments – such as sports league franchise ownerships are not for the majority of us, but if you have $25 to $100 million to...

Where to Find Tax Legislation

After much searching and no success in finding the actual tax law that was passed last year, I turned to my Congressional Representative.  He pointed me to Per the about page, this database:...

Life’s Little Frustrations

One of the problems with having a lot of money is that children of the wealthy do not have to overcome many of life’s challenges and frustrations. Wealthy kids may not tolerate frustration well....

How Kids Use Money – Age by Age

The graphic below shows how kids use money at various age groups.  Click on the age group box and the display changes to show what that age group does.  This is based on a...

Invest Internationally

Following the 2008 downturn, many wealthy Americans decided to expand their offshore exposure.  How can you do the same? Although there is no longer access to significant tax havens abroad, there are plenty of...