Author: Marie

Will Baby Boomers Be ‘Elders’?

My generation (I’m a baby boomer) gets a lot of press. Everyone seems to have an opinion on what we are, what we do and how we behave. For every opinion there is usually...

Use Halloween To Teach Your Child About Finance

What is your child learning from your Halloween financial habits?  Why not use Halloween as a (sort of) fun way to grab some teachable moments for personal finance.  Teachable moments are those where you...


BancVue provides this game to institutions to put on their websites to attract and retain account holders.  According to BancVue, it was created by a former Washington D.C. Teacher of the Year and is...

Will Your Family Business Survive You?

A family business, or a series of family enterprises, can fuel the growth wealth for your family from the first generation on down – if it survives. Statistics vary on exact percentages, depending on...

What Will Happen to Your Business?

Family businesses account for 50% of the gross national product. Thirty-five percent of Fortune 500 companies are family businesses. Family businesses account for 60% of US employment and 78% of new jobs created. (from ). Family...


I’m sitting outside drinking a glass of red wine, watching the sun set behind the colored trees of autumn, on a warm October day, my first born’s 38th birthday – thinking about wealth. Yes,...

Family Meeting Checklist

Family meetings can be a great way to build solid relationships, create a family legacy and train the next generation. A couple of weeks ago I shared our path towards holding family meetings.  As...