Author: Marie

Use Debt Wisely

Debt is neither good nor bad in and of itself.  It is a financial tool that can be used or abused.  You can get into an ocean of trouble if you abuse debt, but...

Using Budgeting for Gender Equality

In researching for this post, I learned that, according to the United Nations Development Fund for Women, “in 1979, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of...

Women Investors

Who makes the investment decisions at your house? How are your financial duties divided up between your spouse and you? If you manage the day to day money and hubby deals with investments, you...

Money and Power in your Relationship

Money = Power. Power = Control. Control = Happiness. Are these the formula’s that rule your life? Before the mid-nineteenth century, women in many states did not have the right to own property, draw...

What Women Want – Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day has rolled around once again. The retailers love it, guys hate it. Many claim it is a made up day to sell things – and things are sold. The Gourmet Retailer reports...