Tagged: legacy


Henry Shaw’s Legacy

Can you leave a legacy if you don’t have descendants? Henry Shaw did. Have you heard of ‘Shaw’s Garden’ –  otherwise known as the Missouri Botanical Gardens – one of the oldest botanical gardens...


Keeping the Wright Brother’s Legacy Alive

Orville and Wilbur Wright never married or had children. They did however have siblings. Today two descendants of those siblings help bring life to the legacy of first flight left by the Wright Brothers....

Document your Family Stories

You have defined your family and begun to share your family history. Wouldn’t it be great to capture that history and all the stories that are part of it, so that future family members...

What Does Family Legacy Mean to You?

If you look up ‘legacy’ in the dictionary you will see a couple of meanings. One is – a gift by will of money or real property. Another is – something transmitted by or...