Category: getting it

More Kids Making Money

When I was a kid in the 1950’s there weren’t too many ways to make a buck before you turned 18. At least, I didn’t know about many. Neighborhood jobs like lawn mowing or...

Kids Making Money

Most of my ancestors and relatives worked for someone else to make a living. So did I, in my main career as a Software Development Manager. Successful entrepreneurship was not demonstrated in my family,...

How to Teach Kids to Sell

Along with financial literacy, I think that we all need to learn effective selling techniques. Teaching how to sell is something that school typically doesn’t cover (even though many schools ask kids to sell in their...

Review of: Stock Market Pie

I’m always on the look out for books to use in my Grandma Rie’s Money Camp and this one fits the bill. When my first Grandson was 8, I gave him a share of...

Review of: Once Upon a Company

Once Upon a Comany A True Story by Wendy Anderson Halperin In Grandma Rie’s Money Camp each summer, the kids have traditionally run a one or two day business of their own – usually...

Financial Lessons for Your Horse Lover

Teaching children about money and the values that surround it is an important, but often neglected parental duty.  I’ve written several stories aimed at children that attempt to convey the money messages I’ve learned...